

Sem Fantasia

The Voice Portugal出場者Sara Badaloと、審査員ザンブージョさんとのデュエットが素敵だったので、聴き比べをしてみました。サラさんについて情報がないのですが、音大生なのでしょうか。ジャズ系の人かしら。ザンブージョさんは歌っている途中で、2回que pasと言っているので、(歌詞を)間違えちゃった、と言っているのかな?と思いました。




"Sem Fantasia"を作詞作曲したのはChico Buarqueのようです。サラさんは、ザンブージョとロベルタ・サのデュエット版(二番目の動画)を歌っているようですが、最後のフレーズは、独自のメロディに変えて歌っているように思います。サラさんのアレンジの方が、私は好きです。


男性同士のデュエットもいいですね。右の赤い服の男性歌手の声が素敵。左の歌手が、この曲を作ったChico Buarqueです。






歌詞を読むと、年上の女性が、若い男性を誘っているように見えます。ポルトガル語のタイトルSem Fantasiaですが、再度翻訳をかけたら、どうやら幻想なしに、という意味ではなくて、文字通り「生まれたままで」、というような意味のようです。




Vem, meu menino vadio       Come, my stray boy

Vem, sem mentir pra você      Come, without lying to you

Vem, mas vem sem fantasia     Come, but come without a costume

Que da noite pro dia        That from night to day

Você não vai crescer        You won't grow up

Vem, por favor não evites      Come, please don't avoid

Meu amor, meus convites      My love, my invitations

Minha dor, meus apelos       My pain, my pleas

Vou te envolver nos cabelos     I'll wrap you in my hair

Vem perder-te em meus braços    Come lose yourself in my arms

Pelo amor de Deus         For the love of God

Vem que eu te quero fraco      Come that I want you weak

Vem que eu te quero tolo       Come that I want you foolish

Vem que eu te quero todo meu    Come that I want you all mine

Ah, eu quero te dizer         Ah, I want to tell you

Que o instante de te ver       That the moment of seeing you

Custou tanto penar         It took so much effort

Não vou me arrepender       I won't regret it

vim te convencer         I just came to convince you

Que eu vim pra não morrer      That I came not to die

De tanto te esperar         I've been waiting for you so long

Eu quero te contar         I want to tell you

Das chuvas que apanhei      Of the rains that I've taken

Das noites que varei        Of the nights I spent

No escuro a te buscar       In the dark looking for you

Eu quero te mostrar        I want to show you

As marcas que ganhei       The marks that I've earned

Nas lutas contra o rei        In fights against the king

Nas discussões com        In quarrels with God

Deus E agora que cheguei     And now that I've arrived

Eu quero a recompensa      I want the reward

Eu quero a prenda imensa     I want the immense gift

Dos carinhos teus        Of your love

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



"Affaire de Coeur" 「心の浮気」
