このブラジルの"Luar Do Sertão" 「彼方からの月光」というような意味の曲が気に入って動画を見ていたら、この動画の今映っている男性の声がとても良いので名前を探しました。
10人の歌手のうち、右から3人目の可愛い女性はSandy、左から2人目のショートカットの若い方は、女性でした。この動画はChitãozinho & Xororóのデビュー40周年記念コンサートのようで、ゲストが8人なんですね。
2人コンビの歌手Chitãozinho & Xororóというグループ名で、兄弟であることがわかりました。私が良い声だと思ったのはXororo(Durval de Lima)でした。お兄さんの方は、いつも帽子を被っています。
Chitãozinho & Xororó (Brazilian Portuguese are a Brazilian sertanejo duo.
Chitãozinho is the stage name of José Lima Sobrinho and Xororó of Durval de Lima.
Their music, which combines traditional Brazilian caipira with pop, was instrumental in establishing the sertanejo genre. They have sold over 30 million albums since their first album was released in 1970.
Chitãozinho & Xororó are brothers, and were trained in music by their father, a vocalist and composer. Their debut television appearance came in 1967 on Silvio Santos's show. Their first album was released in 1970, and the following year they appeared in the film No Rancho Fundo. Their fame and album sales steadily increased over the 1970s; in 1982, their Somos Apaixonados sold over a million copies.
The duo continued to win international recognition, performing in Las Vegas in 1989 and in 1993 in Miami with The Bee Gees. Their first Spanish language album appeared in 1991.