





上記 世界紀行社の記事から:







In Turkey, you are greeted by History itself. Antiquity lives in relics and monuments of bygone eras - the antiquity of Homeric Troy, marble of Greek temples, majestic Roman amphitheaters, paintings of ancient Christian churches and cathedrals of Byzantium and minarets of mosques - all this is Turkey's past, amazing and bewitching.


Southeast Anatolia was inhabited already in the Paleolithic. The first settlements date back to 7000-6500. BC. The discovery of the ancient settlement of Chatal-Huyuk (6500-5500 BC) made it possible to understand how people lived in the Neolithic era. Ceramics and bronze were widely used in everyday life. As excavations in Troy have shown, the Copper Age began around the 3rd millennium BC.


ミタンニとヒッタイト(紀元前II千年紀初期-紀元前XII世紀)Mitanni and Hittites



At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. the regions of Asia Minor and the Armenian Highlands were inhabited by different tribes, in particular the Hurrians and Hatti. The penetration of the Indo-European tribe of the Hittites into these lands (whose name was apparently borrowed from their predecessors - the Hatti, i.e. the Proto-Hittites) contributed to the consolidation of new ethnic formations in this region. One of them was the Mitanni ethnic community. In the XVI-XV centuries. BC.


The proto-state of Mitanni, which was formed on the Hurrian ethno basis and included a lot (both from the Semitic-Amorite and from the Indo-European culture), began to develop at a rapid pace. The heyday and success of the Mitanni were based on military strength, primarily on horse-drawn war chariots. Mitanni's entry into the political arena led to a clash of this state with Egypt, whose rulers waged wars with Mitanni with varying success. The Mitannians were able to significantly expand the borders of the state, placing part of Assyria under their rule, ousting the Hittites, and conquering the mountain tribes of the Kutians.

ミタンニは15世紀初頭にエジプトのファラオ・トトメス3世から最初の深刻な敗北を喫しました。その結果、ミタンニはエジプトの支部になります。 紀元前XIV世紀の後半にミタンニ州は、強化されたヒッタイト勢力の支配下にあり、紀元前XIII世紀になりついにアッシリアの打撃を受けて崩壊しました。

The Mitanni received their first serious defeat at the beginning of the 15th century. BC. - from the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III, as a result of which Mitanni becomes a tributary of Egypt. In the second half of the XIV century. BC. the state of Mitanni fell under the rule of the strengthened Hittite power, and in the XIII century. BC. finally collapsed under the blows of Assyria.

ヒッタイト州は、ミタニアン州と同様に、紀元前2千年紀の初めに小アジアで発生しました。前述のように、ヒッタイトの前任者はHattiでした。 アッシリア・アモリ人商人の取引コロニーは、ヒッタイト州の形成に大きな影響を及ぼしました。

伝統的に、ヒッタイト州の歴史は2つの期間に分けられます。古代のヒッタイト州は紀元前17世紀から16世紀にかけて存在しました。紀元前 XIV世紀にミタンニの衰退とともに、ニューヒッタイト州は最高の権力に達しました。

Traditionally, the history of the Hittite state is divided into two periods. The ancient Hittite state existed from the 17th to the 16th centuries. BC. In the XIV century. BC. with the decline of the Mitanni, the New Hittite state reached its highest power.

有名なヒッタイト王Suppiluliuma(1380〜1340 BC)の戦争により、ヒッタイトの影響は東地中海全体、エジプトの国境まで広がることができました。ミタンニの征服を成し遂げたのはSuppiluliumであり、彼の後継者であるMursili II(1340〜1305 BC)の下で、ヒッタイトエーゲ海の海岸に到達しました。ヒッタイトとエジプトの衝突は、王国の権力の終焉の始まりを示しました。 紀元前XIII世紀から強化されたアッシリアヒッタイトを東から押し始めました。 紀元前XII世紀の初めに地中海の部族の連合(「海の人々」)は、ヒッタイト州を破壊しました。

The wars of the famous Hittite king Suppiluliuma (1380-1340 BC) allowed the influence of the Hittites to spread throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, right up to the borders of Egypt. It was Suppilulium who achieved the conquest of Mitanni, and under his successor Mursili II (1340-1305 BC), the Hittites reached the shores of the Aegean Sea. The clash of the Hittites with Egypt marked the beginning of the end of the kingdom's power. Strengthened Assyria from the XIII century. BC. began to push the Hittites from the east. At the beginning of the XII century. BC. a coalition of Mediterranean tribes ("Sea Peoples") destroyed the Hittite state.


フリジアとリディア(紀元前XII世紀-紀元前VII世紀) Phrygia and Lydia


紀元前XII世紀ヒッタイト王国の崩壊後、紀元前 VIII世紀に小アジアの中央地域には、バルカンから来たトラキアの部族が定住しました。紀元前 VIII世紀フリジア人は、ゴルディオン(ゴルディウス)の首都と団結して王国を設立しました。フリジア王国は小アジアの大部分をカバーしていました。フリジアはミダス王の下で最も強力な州になりました(紀元前725年まで)。フリジア人の首都は、東西ルートとサンガリア川の戦略的交差点に位置するゴルディウスでした。

Since the XII century. BC e. after the fall of the Hittite kingdom, the central regions of Asia Minor were inhabited by Thracian tribes who came from the Balkans. In the VIII century. BC. The Phrygians united and founded their kingdom with the capital at Gordion (Gordius). By the end of the VIII century. BC. The Phrygian kingdom covered most of Asia Minor. Phrygia became the most powerful state under King Midas (by 725 BC). The capital of the Phrygians was Gordius, located at the strategic intersection of the east-west route and the Sangaria River.


In Midas's time, Gordius was a large city, protected by a 6-meter stone wall. Gordia's architecture is reminiscent of ancient Western Anatolian prototypes; its free-standing, gabled-roofed buildings are reminiscent of Bronze Age megaras. Phrygians in the 8th century. BC. made their sculptures slightly imitating oriental prototypes, but performed them in their own special style. The most famous Phrygian works of art are geometric ornaments on pottery, mosaics and wood carvings for furniture. The most interesting industry was metallurgy, the art of which was undoubtedly adopted by the Phrygians from their East Anatolian neighbors.


The Assyrians called Midas Mita, or Mushki. In fact, Mushki is probably a proper name from the language of one of the East Anatolian tribes (known to the Greeks as Moskhoi), conquered by Midas. The Phrygians themselves maintained close relations with the West. According to Greek tradition, Midas married a Greek woman and set up an altar in the sanctuary at Delphi.


The end of the Phrygian kingdom was tragic. It was swept off the face of the earth by nomad Cimmerians from the Caucasus, who marched across the Anatolian plateau with fire and sword. Before that, they attacked Urartu.


In 696 BC. they got to Gordius, plundered him, and left no stone unturned. According to the Greeks, Midas committed suicide out of despair. His grave was discovered in 1957. Samples of royal Phrygian treasures were piled in a wooden burial chamber under a mound: fabrics, richly carved furniture and a mass of bronze, some of which was acquired in such remote places as Urartu. The prominent position that Midas occupied in the ancient world is confirmed by the objects found in the tomb and the size of the gravestone hill, which rises above the cemetery of his predecessors and successors (the height of the hill is 49 m).



After the collapse of the Phrygian state, the role of the Lydians increased - a tribe that lived in the west of Asia Minor, mainly in the valleys of the Germ and Meander rivers, through which the most important trade routes to the East passed. Throwing off the yoke of the Cimmerians, the Lydians conquered the Greek cities on the western coast of Asia Minor, with which they had long maintained trade and cultural ties.


The city of Sardis became the capital of the state, and the ruling dynasty was the Mermnads (kings Gyges, Aliatt, Croesus), who asserted their rule over the entire east of Asia Minor up to the Galis River. The Lydian aristocracy amassed enormous wealth thanks to the significant development of trade relations and the presence of rich gold deposits in the country. It is believed that the Lydians were the first in history to start minting coins (VII century BC).


In 547 BC. the Persian king Cyrus II defeated the Lydian king Croesus, and Lydia became a Persian satrapy. Herodotus tells about this new war in sufficient detail.


At that time, Lydia united the whole of Asia Minor under her rule. Its king Croesus was considered one of the richest and most powerful sovereigns of the East. Confident in his strength, he in 547 BC. invaded Cappadocia, which used to belong to the Medes, and then came under the rule of the Persians. A bloody battle between opponents took place on the Galis River and ended in vain.



Cyrus meeting his army, which consisted mostly of cavalry armed with spears. In order to avoid her rapid attack, Cyrus, on the advice of his commander Harpagus, came up with such a trick: he ordered to release all the camels traveling in the train from their luggage, put soldiers on them and put this peculiar cavalry in front of his army.


When the battle began, the Lydian horses, not accustomed to the sight and smell of camels, fled. The riders were forced to jump off them and fight the enemy on foot. Despite desperate resistance, they were eventually defeated and fled to Sardis.



小アジアギリシャ人 ギリシャの植民地 


紀元前9世紀、小アジア東海岸には、ギリシャの3つの主要な部族グループの1つであるイオニア人が住んでいました。その後、イオニア人は、キオス、エフェソス、サモス、ミレトゥス、プリエンなどを含む12の都市の政治的連合で疲弊しました。この連合は、政治的および神聖な動機に由来するため、紀元前6世紀にその実行可能性を証明しました。イオニア人がリディアとペルシャを混乱させ始めたとき。 2つの主要な貿易ルートの交差点での有利な位置のため北から南へ、そして西から東へ、イオニアの都市は、特に紀元前7〜6世紀に、経済的および文化的に繁栄しました。工芸品と貿易の発展、東洋文化との接触:執筆、文学、哲学、幾何学、カレンダー、重量の測定など。

By the IX century. BC. the east coast of Asia Minor was inhabited by the Ionians, one of the three main Greek tribal groups. Later, the Ionians became impoverished in a political union of 12 cities, which included: Chios, Ephesus, Samos, Miletus, Priene, etc. This union, owing its origin to political and sacred motives, proved its viability in the VI century. BC, when the Ionians began to press the Lydians and Persians. Due to its advantageous position at the crossroads of two main trade routes from north to south and from west to east), the Ionian cities reached economic and cultural flourishing, especially in the 7th-6th centuries. BC. (development of crafts and trade, contacts with oriental culture: writing, literature, philosophy, geometry, calendar, measures of weight).

生産力の台頭は、自由で開かれた世界の生き方の繁栄と、民主的な憲法の創設につながりました。イオニアの都市はすぐにギリシャ人の経済的および文化的生活の中心地となり、東部の文化的影響力をギリシャに広める仲介者となりました。 紀元前6世紀多くのイオニアの都市州では、頻繁な内部紛争と外部からの絶え間ない脅威のために、民主的な政府形態が専制政治に変わっています。

The rise of the productive forces led to the flourishing of a free, open to the world way of life and the creation of a democratic constitution. The Ionian cities soon became the center of the economic and cultural life of the Greeks, as well as intermediaries in the spread of the cultural influence of the East to Greece. In the VI century. BC. in many Ionian city-states, the democratic form of government, due to frequent internal conflicts and constant threats from the outside, has turned into tyranny.


In the middle of the VI century. BC. the Ionians were brought under the control of the kings of Lydia, but largely retained their autonomy. Later they were subordinated to the Persians. In 500 BC. raised a revolt against the Persian domination, which was suppressed, but served as the beginning of the Greco-Persian wars.


ギリシャ-ペルシャ戦争紀元前500-449年 GRECO-PERSIAN WARS (500-449 BC)



After Asia Minor, Babylon and Egypt were conquered by Cyrus II and Cambyses II, Darius I at the beginning of the 5th century. BC. continued the expansionist policy, during which he faced the confrontation between the Greek cities of Asia Minor and some Greek city-states. Athens' support for the Ionian uprising served as an excuse to bring Persian troops into mainland Greece under the pretext of retaliation.


The Persian campaigns were only partially successful and ended in defeats (492 BC - Athos; 490 BC - Marathon; 480 BC - Thermopylae, Artemisius, Salamis; 479 BC). BC - Plateia, Mikale; 468 BC - Eurymedon; 450 BC - Maliminus and Cyprus). Under the terms of the Peace of Killiev (449-448 BC), the Ionian coastal cities received independence, the Persian king pledged not to interfere in Greek affairs, and the Aegean and the coast of Asia Minor were closed to the Persian-Phoenician fleet. In addition, all trade in the Aegean and Black Seas came under the control of the Greeks.


After the Peloponnesian War, which greatly weakened the Greeks militarily and politically, the Persians in 387 BC. once again received a protectorate over the Greek cities of Asia Minor over the Tsarist world, but forty years later Alexander the Great began his eastern campaign against Persia, which ended in its defeat.





In 334, the Macedonian king Alexander III, who had subdued Greece by that time, led an army of 30 thousand infantry, 5 thousand cavalry and 160 warships against the Persians.


Despite the significant numerical superiority of the Persian army, Alexander's military genius played a role. Having won the first battles in Asia Minor, he then subdued the cities of Phenicia and in 332 BC. captured Egypt. Returning to Syria, he moved to the banks of the Tigris and in the battle of Gaugamela, October 1, 331 BC, inflicted a crushing defeat on the Persians.


After the death of Alexander the Great, his empire split into several independent kingdoms due to the strife of the Diadochi commanders. The largest of these was ruled by the Seleucid dynasty.


ペルガマム、ローマ、ビザンチウム Pergamum, Rome and Byzantium




ディアドクのリシマハスとセレウカスの闘いを巧みに利用して、ペルガモンのフィリッター王は紀元前3世紀の初めにペルガモン王国の国家独立を果たしました。ユメネス一世 Eumenes I(263-241 BC)は、紀元前129年にペルガモン王国を海岸とアイダ市(トロイの近く)に拡大しました。ペルガマムは、紀元前133年に亡くなったAttalus IIIの意志に従って、アジアにおけるローマ州の州都になります。

Competently using the struggle of the diadochs Lysimachus and Seleucus, the Pergamon king Filiter achieves at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC. state independence of the Pergamon kingdom. Eumenes I (263-241 BC) expanded the Pergamon kingdom to the coast and to the city of Ida (near Troy). In 129 BC. e. Pergamum - in accordance with the will of Attalus III, who died in 133 BC - becomes the capital of the Roman province of Asia.
Soon Rome began to dominate the whole of Asia Minor, dividing it into several provinces headed by governors (Asia, Bithynia, Pontus, Lycia, Pamphylia, Cilicia, Cappadocia and Galatia). The settlements, however, retained their independence and developed rapidly economically and culturally. The invasion of the barbarians during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (243-316) marked the beginning of the collapse of the empire.
306年にコンスタンティノスはローマ帝国の皇帝になりました。彼はキリスト教の信奉者でした。 313年のミラノの判決は宗教の自由を意味しました。 325年、ニセア評議会はキリスト教を公式の宗教と宣言しました。 361年にジュリアンはビザンチウムの皇帝になり、使徒職と呼ばれました。彼の治世の2年間、彼は異教を取り戻そうとしました。 395年、テオドシウス1世の死後、ローマ帝国はついに2人の息子に分割されました。ホノリウスは西ローマ帝国を統治しアルカディウスは東ローマ帝国を統治しました。西ローマ帝国西ゴート族の侵入に耐えることができませんでした。東ローマ帝国はなんとかドイツの部族の攻撃を撃退し、東ローマ帝国は残されました。
偉大なローマの相続人。ジャスティニアン皇帝(527-565)は、ビザンチウムの歴史の中で重要な位置を占めています。彼の下で、東ローマ帝国の国境はカスピ海からジブラルタルまで広がっていました。ジャスティニアンはローマ法を体系化しました。 532年、ジャスティニアン皇帝の治世の初めに、コンスタンチノープルで「ナイキ」と呼ばれる強力な蜂起が起こりました。 「青」と「緑」の2つの野党グループを統合。7世紀に帝国はスラブ、アラブ、ペルシャと継続的に戦争を繰り広げ、その領土は半分になりました。
In 306 Constantine became the emperor of the Roman Empire. He was an adherent of Christianity. The Edict of Milan in 313 meant freedom of religion. In 325, the Council of Nicea declared Christianity the official religion. In 361 Julian became emperor of Byzantium, nicknamed the Apostate - the apostate. During the two years of his reign, he tried to restore paganism. In 395, after the death of Theodosius I, the Roman Empire was finally divided between his two sons: Honorius began to rule the Western Roman Empire, and Arcadius - the Eastern Roman Empire. The Western Empire could not withstand the invasion of the Visigoths; Eastern managed to repel the offensive of the Germanic tribes, and she was left alone
- the heiress of the great Rome. Emperor Justinian (527-565) occupies an important place in the history of Byzantium. Under him, the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire stretched from the Caspian to Gibraltar. Justinian codified Roman law. In 532, at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Justinian, a powerful uprising broke out in Constantinople, which was called "Nike". United two opposition groups - "blue" and "green". In the VII century, the empire waged continuous wars with the Slavs, Araba and Persians. Its territory was halved.
In 717 Leo III ascended the throne. He imposed high taxes on the population and laid claim to the wealth of the clergy, declaring the veneration of icons as idolatry, which caused discontent among all segments of the population.
Under Constantine Copronymus, the conflict flared up even more. He was accompanied by the destruction of churches, exile, torture, executions. And only in 842 the veneration of icons was solemnly restored. But the main task of the iconoclasts - the fight against monastic land ownership - was solved. After the dark years of iconoclasm, with the enthronement of the Macedonian dynasty (867-1081), a new period began in the development of Byzantium.
1054年正教会カトリックから分離しました。それは帝国にとってもう一つの黄金時代でした。しかし、地方の確執的な貴族と官僚的な貴族の間の対立のために、帝国は再び崩壊に陥りました。 1071年マンジケルトの戦いで、ビザンチン軍がセルジュクトルコ人に完全に敗北しました。
In 1054, the Orthodox Church separated from the Catholic. It was another golden age for the empire. But due to the confrontation between the provincial feudal nobility and the bureaucratic aristocracy, the empire again fell into decay. In 1071, at the Battle of Manzikert, a huge Byzantine army was utterly defeated by the Seljuk Turks.
同じ年に、ノルマン人はイタリアのビザンチンの土地を占領しました。11世紀にビザンチウムはその所有物のほとんどを失いました。 コンスタンチノープルは、ノルマン人の攻撃から身を守るためにヴェネツィアと同盟を結びましたが、このようにして、海上貿易での優位性を失いました。当時、ビザンチウムと西洋の関係は大きく拡大しました。しかし、十字軍の始まりとともに、これらの2つの世界は反対の立場を取りました。教皇イノセント三世がキリスト教の土地を攻撃することを禁じたにもかかわらず、1204年に十字軍はコンスタンチノープルを捕らえました。
In the same year, the Normans captured the Byzantine lands in Italy. Byzantium lost most of its possessions. In the XI century. Constantinople entered into an alliance with Venice to defend itself against the attacks of the Normans, but in this way it lost its dominance in the sea trade. At that time, relations between Byzantium and the West expanded significantly. However, with the beginning of the Crusades, these two worlds took opposite positions. Despite the prohibition of Pope Innocent III to attack Christian lands, in 1204 the Crusaders managed to capture Constantinople.
セルジュクは、モンゴルから古代ルスの西部地域までのアジアの草原に生活していたOguz Turks(Western Turks)オグズトルコ部族の支部でした。 10世紀にセルジュクが率いるトルコ人のグループアムダリヤ川とシルダリヤ川の間の地域に定住しました。すぐにセルジュクは西に急いで、新しい領土を征服しました。 1050年までに、彼らはアフガニスタン、その北の地域、および中央ペルシャを鎮圧し、11世紀の初めに首都がバグダッドであったアバシッドカリフの国境地帯を襲撃し始めました。トルコの部族は、ますます多くの小アジアに浸透し始めました。 トギュル・ベクの甥のアルスランは、中東のセルジュク領土の北の国境を守っていて、小アジアの東にあるヴァン湖からそれほど遠くないマンジケルトの戦いで、1071年にビザンチン軍を打ち負かしました。
Turkic tribes began to penetrate in increasing numbers into Asia Minor. Togrul-bek's nephew Alp-Arslan, guarding the northern borders of the Seljuk possessions in the Middle East, defeated Byzantine troops in 1071 at the battle of Manzikert, not far from the lake. Van, in the east of Asia Minor.
敗北はアナトリアに対するビザンチン帝国の支配を完全に弱体化させました。その後、小アジアのセルジュクの元知事スレイマン・シャーは、12世紀半ばに首都コーニャ(古代のイコニウム)にセルジュク・ラム・スルタンと呼ばれる国を設立しました。 スレイマン キリヒ・アルスラン二世の曽孫は、アナトリアの大部分で宗主国を確立しました。 1192年彼の死後、ラム(コーニャ)スルタン国のセルジュクの支配者は、小アジアイスラム国家を創設しました。
The defeat completely undermined the rule of the Byzantine Empire over Anatolia. Later, the former governor of the Seljuks in Asia Minor Suleiman Shah founded his own sultanate here, called the Seljuk Rum Sultanate with the capital Konya (ancient Iconium). By the middle of the 12th century. the great-grandson of Suleiman Kilich-Arslan II established his suzerainty over most of Anatolia. After his death in 1192, the Seljuk rulers of the Rum (Konya) Sultanate created an Islamic state in Asia Minor.
Mongol invasion in the XIII century. led to the collapse of the empire into several autonomous emirates. Osman, the ruler of one of the emirates, subjugated many areas of today's Turkey to his influence. But the real creator of the Ottoman Empire was Osman's son, Orhan.
未来の強大な力の創造者であるオスマン(1259-1324 / 1326)は、父親のエルトゥグルルから、北西部のソフ近郊にあるセルジュク州の小さな国境の遺産を継承しました。ビザンチウムの国境にあるブルサ。オスマンは新しい王朝の創設者になり、州は彼の名前を受け取り、オスマン帝国として歴史に名を残しました。オスマンの死後、彼の息子オーハンは要塞化されたビザンチンの都市ブルーサを占領しました。
The creator of the future mighty state, Osman (1259-1324 / 1326), inherited from his father Ertugrul a small border inheritance of the Seljuk state in the northwest, in the vicinity of the Sov. Bursa, on the border of Byzantium. Osman became the founder of a new dynasty, and the state received his name and went down in history as the Ottoman Empire. After the death of Osman, his son Orhan occupied the fortified Byzantine city of Brusa.
Bursa, as the Ottomans called it, became the capital of the Ottoman state and remained it until the capital was transferred to Edirne (Adrianople).
その後、事実上10年以内に、ビザンチウム小アジアのほぼすべての土地を失いました。 1359年、オーハンの長男である優れた統治者であるムラドIが王位に就き、ヨーロッパにおけるオスマン帝国軍の永続的な存在を強化し、1361年にアドリアノープルを占領し、彼の州に含めました。ムラドはなんとかバルカンの中心部に定住し、1389年にコソボフィールドでの戦いでセルビアの王子を破ったが、彼自身は戦いの終わりに戦死しました。当時の重要な出来事は、軍隊にジャニサリーの軍団、これらの兵士(トルコのエニシェリ、文字通り新しい軍隊)の創設でした。
After that, practically within one decade, Byzantium lost almost all the lands in Asia Minor. In 1359, Orhan's eldest son Murad I, an outstanding ruler, ascended the throne, who consolidated the permanent presence of Ottoman troops in Europe, seizing Adrianople in 1361 and incorporating it into his state. Murad managed to settle in the very heart of the Balkans and in 1389 defeated the Serbian prince in the battle on Kosovo Field, although he himself died at the end of the battle. An important event of that time was the creation of a corps of janissaries in the army, these soldiers (Turkish enicheri, literally a new army 
janissaries named by foreigners were recruited among boys from Christian families, in particular in the Balkans. Being the slaves of the sultans, the janissaries were a disciplined regular army consisting of well-trained and armed infantrymen, superior in combat capability to all similar troops in Europe until the appearance of the French army of Louis XIV. and expanded the boundaries of the empire in the west and east.
But the war with the conqueror of Asia Timurlan practically nullified all the successes achieved. During the battle of Ankara, his troops were defeated by Timur and he himself was captured. He passed away some time later.
After his death, after a long struggle for power between the 4 sons of the Sultan, the youngest of the brothers Mehmed I became the autocratic Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Mehmed I reigned for 8 years, over the years he managed to strengthen his influence in Wallachia and parts of Albania and resettled many Turkic tribes to Europe.
After the unexpected death of the Sultan in 1421, the throne passed to his eldest son Murad II. In Europe, Murad II significantly expanded the borders of the Ottoman Empire and strengthened its position. After he re-annexed Bosnia and Serbia to Iperia, where the Ottomans were received as liberators from the persecution of Hungarian Catholics, Murad retired to Manisa.
After his death in 1451, Mehmed II came to the throne. The young sultan received an excellent education at the palace school and as governor of Manisa under the guidance of his father. He was undoubtedly more educated than all the other monarchs of the then Europe. Soon the young sultan, he was only 23 years old, began a siege of Constantinople. The most spectacular step of the sultan during the siege was the ingenious crossing of part of his fleet from the Bosphorus to the Golden Horn through the hills, bypassing the chain stretched at the entrance to the bay.
したがって、スルタンの船からの大砲は、内港から街を砲撃する可能性があります。 1453年5月29日、壁が破られ、オスマン帝国の兵士がコンスタンチノープルに侵入しました。十字軍とは異なり、オスマン帝国軍は都市を略奪せず、都市の人口は影響を受けませんでした。 3日目、ファティ・スルタン・メフメド2世はすでにアヤソフィアで祈っていて、コンスタンチノープルを帝国の首都にすることを決めました。
Thus, cannons from the Sultan's ships could shell the city from the inner harbor. On May 29, 1453, a breach was made in the wall, and Ottoman soldiers broke into Constantinople. Unlike the crusaders, the Ottoman army did not plunder the city, the population of the city was not touched. On the third day, Fatih Sultan Mehmed II was already praying in Ayasofia and decided to make Constantinople the capital of the empire.
オスマン帝国の力は16世紀半ばにその頂点に達しました。スレイマン一世(1520-1566)の治世の期間は、オスマン帝国の黄金時代と見なされます。スレイマン一世は、音楽、詩、自然、そして哲学的な議論を愛する教育を受けた男でした。18世紀、ウィーン近郊のトルコ軍の敗北後、帝国はその領土を失い始めました。同時に、西洋の習慣が法廷で広まり始めました。 1826年にジャニサリーの軍隊は廃止されました。
The power of the Ottoman Empire reached its climax in the middle of the 16th century. The period of the reign of Suleiman I the Magnificent (1520-1566) is considered the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire. Suleiman I was an educated man who loved music, poetry, nature, and also philosophical discussions. In the 18th century, after the defeat of the Turkish troops near Vienna, the empire began to lose its possessions. At the same time, Western customs began to spread at court. In 1826 the army of the Janissaries was abolished.
1829年ギリシャは独立を獲得しました。その後、ルーマニアセルビアモンテネグロが反乱を起こしました。 1878年小アジアの東部はロシアに、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナオーストリアに、キプロスはイギリスに譲渡されました。スルタン アブドルハミド二世は抵抗しましたが、この時点で青年トルコ人運動が発展していました。
In 1829 Greece gained independence. In subsequent years, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro revolted. In 1878 the eastern part of Asia Minor was annexed to Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria, and Cyprus was given to Great Britain. Sultan Abdul-Hamid II resisted, but at this time the Young Turks movement developed.