





6 of Kazakhstan's largest archaeological finds in the last 50 years




Illustrative photo of alamy.es
In early October, in the Pavlodar region, a fisherman who planned to sit with a fishing rod on the shore of Irtysh, instead made an archaeological discovery: under a layer of sand he found a clay pot. According to experts, this relic belongs to the Andronian culture of the Bronze Age. However, random finds, rather, an exception - usually in search of treasure purposefully sent professionals: modern gold diggers, as the heroes of the Discovery Channel project "Gold Rush", or historians-archaeologists, who manage to find not just grains of precious sand, and whole golden burials.


イシク古墳 Mound Issyk


When in 1969 an expedition led by Kemal Akishev, one of the founders of the Kazakh National Archaeological School, began to excavate the Mound  Issyk, no one could have imagined that soon they would make a sensational historical find. The mound, located 50 kilometers from Almaty, was part of a large-scale mound complex of 45 buildings, but did not stand out from the rest - it was only six meters high and noticeably lost to 15-meter neighbors in scale. In addition, like many other burials, Issyk was looted a few centuries ago, so grandiose discoveries did not have to count.


Fortunately for the expedition and historical science in general, the robbers fully focused on the obvious, the main burial and did not pay attention to the side (probably they did not even know that in one mound can be buried several people at once). During the 1969-1970s, Kemal Akishev's expedition carried out excavations here, in the process of which the remains of a saka warrior were discovered - later the find will be called "Issyk Golden Man".




"Issyk golden man." Photo from the site dostoyanieplaneti.ru

The burial dates back to the early Iron Age - IV-III centuries BC. More than 4,000 gold items were found in it, including plates in the form of snow leopards, argali, horses, birds, which adorned his headdress, plaques, which were once embroidered with his clothes, rings, figurines, vessels and weapons. The silver bowl with inscriptions in an unknown language (Issyk runes) gave scientists the opportunity to put forward a hypothesis about the presence of the Saks own writing (however, discussions are still going on to this day). The "Golden Man" clothing was made of red suede - it was possible to install a small preserved piece of cloth. In addition to historical value, this find has received a broad sociocultural significance as one of the national symbols of Kazakhstan: "Golden Man" is depicted on a commemorative coin denomination 1000 tenge, on the anniversary medal "10 years of independence of Kazakhstan", and one of its copies crowns the independence monument on the main square of Almaty.


アラルトベ古墳 Araltobe Mound


If the origin of the Issyk warrior is still not fully clarified (definitely he occupied a privileged position and was a wealthy man, but it is impossible to say more precisely), then about the "golden man" of the mound Araltobe experts have much more confidence. In 1999, an expedition of Seinollah Samashev discovered in The Atyrau oblast, 65 kilometers from the city of Kulsary, the burial - the remains of a man and a woman, with a high probability - the Sarmatian leader with his wife. Burial dates back to the 2nd century BC, and the mound Araltobe itself is called "radiant" because of the peculiarities of its structure: according to the recreated layout above the burial site, a fence was installed on top of the earthen shaft, from which the rays formed by vertical slabs diverged. The burial chamber itself from the inside was lined with reed mats.

アラルトベ古墳の「黄金の男」 silkadv.comウェブサイトから

墓が何度か「黒い」考古学者から盗掘されたという事実にもかかわらず、サマシェバ探検隊は本当の宝物を見つけることができました。剣、短剣、矢筒、矢頭、金メッキされた鉄の棒とほぼ400の金の品 - 丸い板、フレーム、ダイヤモンド、ヘビのような形を発見しました。さらに、動物の遺骨(2頭の馬、犬と金鷲)が保存されています。これらの儀式的埋葬から、ここに埋葬された人々が高貴な身分であることが証明され、歴史家は、遺骨がサルマチアの支配者と妻であることをほぼ確信しています。発見された剣は、ブラット鋼が1世紀の早い時期にカスピ海沿岸北東部のサルマトスにあったと主張することを可能にします(それ以前はずっと後だと考えられていました)。

The "golden man" of the Araltobe mound. Photos from the silkadv.com website

Despite the fact that the tomb several times raided "black" archaeologists, Samasheva expeditions managed to find real treasures: sword, dagger, quiver, arrowheads, iron gilded rod and almost 400 gold elements - found plaques round, framed, diamond and snake-like forms. In addition, the remains of animals - two horses, a dog and a golden eagle - have been preserved. All these attributes of ritual burial testify to the noble origin of the people buried here - historians are almost sure that the remains belong to the Sarmatian leader and his wife. In addition, the found sword allows us to claim that the bulat steel was in the Sarmatos of the northeastern Caspian Coast as early as the 1st century AD (before that it was thought that much later).


バイガトベ古墳 Baigatobe Mound

カザフスタンの21世紀の最初の主要な考古学的発見は、約200の大きな埋葬地がある地区のシリクティンスキー渓谷で行われました。シリクティンスキー渓谷には51の古墳があります。ここでは最も古い王室の古墳が見つかりました。カザフスタンのサク文化のユニークなモニュメントのこのような密集した濃度は非常にまれです。谷の最大の バイゲトベ古墳は、2003年に有名なカザフスタン民族学者、考古学者のアブデシュ・トロイバエフ教授が発掘しました。

The first major archaeological find of the 21st century in Kazakhstan took place in the Shiliktinsky Valley of the District, where about 200 large burial grounds are located. Directly in the Shiliktinsky Valley there are 51 mounds - here were found the oldest royal burials. Such a dense concentration of unique monuments of Sak culture in Kazakhstan is very rare. The largest mound of the valley - Baigetobe, its excavation in 2003 went the famous Kazakh ethnologist, archaeologist and professor Abdesh Toleubayev.


バイガトベ古墳  bibliotekar.kzウェブサイトからの写真


Baigatobe Mound. Photos from the bibliotekar.kz website

Baigatobe rises eight meters up - almost like a three-story house, and in diameter reaches 100 meters, with the burial ground consists of a complex three-layer embankment. All this suggests that the buried man was a Sak leader or even a king. This is evidenced by the artifacts found next to the remains: 4303 gold products, including plaques in the form of various animals, which instead of eyes, ears, nostrils, hooves - small pebbles of blue color, turquoise. Also in the crypt found bells, gold stripes, pendants and tubular beads. In addition, among the treasures of the mound was a five-pointed star, symbolizing power and noble origin, with its rays made of azure. The burial dates back to the 8th and 7th centuries BC - this is the oldest royal burial in Kazakhstan.


タルダの墓地 Talda's Graveyard II


In 2010, in the Karkaral district of Karaganda region near the village of Kasim Amanzholov, Armand Beisenov's team completed the excavation of the Talda II burial ground. In height they reach from 2 to 3.5 meters, and their diameter is markedly different - from 30 to 65 meters.



Photos from the site dostoyanieplaneti.ru

The number of finds in them also differed: so, two mounds and did be empty, but in others were found a total of more than 200 large gold products in the famous Sak animal style and more than 34,000 small - and this despite the fact that the mounds were repeatedly raided.





タクサイ一世墓地 Taksai I Graveyard





Photos from the site dostoyanieplaneti.ru

Along with the remains were found about 80 different gold jewelry: plaques with images of the heads of rams and griffins, which were decorated with burial decorations, golden beads of biconic shape with twisted gold wires, pendants and amulets of wolf teeth in a golden frame, which were sewn on the sleeves of dresses, gold bracelets in the area of wrists. Of particular interest to archaeologists is an unusual crest depicting the battle scene between Sarmats and Persians.



Photos from the site dostoyanieplaneti.ru

The privileged position of the buried woman is also indicated by the fact that she was buried with two guards. Moreover, the researchers believe that this woman was a priestess, which indicates not only the richness of the burial, but also paraphernalia: a generously decorated bronze mirror, zoomorphic ornaments and amulets, playing a ritual-magical role. The "Golden Woman" of the Taksai I burial ground dates from the 6th-V centuries B.C.


エレケ・サザ古墳 Eleke Saza Mound


Seinollah Samashev, a researcher at the Araltobe Mound, this year completed the excavation of another mound, Eleke Saza, in the Tarbagatai district of the East Kazakhstan region. The result of the expedition was the discovery of a new "golden man" - a noble young man, whose burial dates back to the 8th-VII centuries BC. According to anthropologists, he is estimated to be 165-170 centimeters tall and 17-18 years old. Experts have already dubbed it the find, opening a new layer in the history of the entire country.


The burial is unique primarily because it is an untouched monument of the early Saxon period, and all the artifacts are perfectly preserved. This provides an amazing opportunity for historical reconstruction, first of all the costume and appearance of the young man. It is already clear that all clothes, from head to toe, was embroidered with gold beads - it is such a delicate work that it is unlikely to be reproduced by modern masters. On the neck hung a hryvnia (a thin hoop, similar to a bracelet), which has always been a badge of distinction, an indicator of high social status. In addition, a quiver and a dagger in a gold case were found in the burial.

合計で、200の古墳がタルバガタイ・マッシフの遠征中に発見され、その中で - 紀元前8-7世紀にさかのぼる3,000以上の金製品が見つかりました。その中で、あなたが他の埋葬地で会うことのない本当にユニークな遺物、女性のイヤリング、貴石がはめられた女性のネックレス がありました。 このすべてにより、科学者は、金属加工と宝石職人技の信じられないほど発達した技術の存在だけでなく、通常は座りっぱなしの人々に固有の遊牧民生活様式と工芸芸術を調和的に組み合わせた高度な文明について話すことができます。

In total, 200 mounds were discovered during the expedition of the Tarbagatai Massif, and in them - more than 3,000 gold products, which date back to the 8th-VII centuries BC. Among them there are really unique relics, which you will not meet in any other burial ground - women's earrings, women's necklace with inserts of precious stones. All this allows scientists to talk about the presence of incredibly developed technologies of metal processing and jewelry craftsmanship, as well as about the high level of civilization, which harmoniously combined the nomadic way of life and craft art, usually inherent in sedentary peoples.


However, not always unique finds belong to human burials - they may have nothing to do with people, but at the same time radically turn over the existing scientific ideas. Thus, in the fall of 2018, on the other side of the world - in Alaska, near Dawson City on the Yukon - were found mummified remains of a calf caribou and a wolf cub from the Ice Age. They were literally dug out of the ice by miners who were looking for gold at the mine of Tony Bits - the hero of the Discovery Channel project "Gold Rush".


It is the only known mummy of the Ice Age wolf and the oldest known deer mummy caribou. Due to the fact that the animals have rested in the ice for thousands of years, the remains have been preserved - the wolf has even wool, skin and muscle tissue. Paleontologists have already dubbed this case a world-class find. Tony Beats himself does not share their delights - in the end, he needs a job first to mine gold, because in the new season of the project he needs to get ahead of the competitor Parker Schnabel, who intended to break forward and get precious metal for 7.2 million dollars. Who will win this confrontation and what other finds await the heroes - see the project "Gold Rush" on Tuesdays on DiscoveryChannel!


