





We’ll start with Crown Prince Hussein’s grandfather, King Hussein of Jordan, who reigned from 1952 until his death in 1999. King Hussein was married four times. His first wife, Dina bint Abdul-Hamid, was a distant cousin who was born and raised in Egypt and educated in England. The couple met in London in 1952, the year he ascended to the throne, as part of an arranged relationship. They were married in Amman on April 22, 1955, when Hussein was 19 and Dina was 25.For their wedding, Dina wore a diamond tiara with a scroll and lily design with a white lace gown that had been made in Paris. She became Queen of Jordan on their marriage, which ultimately was short-lived. Queen Dina gave birth to the couple’s only child, Princess Alia bint Hussein, in February 1956. Hussein and Dina separated that October and divorced in June 1957. Afterward, Dina used the title of princess, even after her second marriage, until her death in 2019.




On May 25, 1961, King Hussein married his second wife, Antoinette “Toni” Gardiner. The daughter of a British army officer, Toni’s childhood had taken her to various countries. According to press reports from the time of her engagement to the King, Toni had traveled to Amman with her parents in January 1960. Some reports claim that Toni met King Hussein while working as a production assistant on the film Lawrence of Arabia, which was largely filmed in Jordan, but filming on that production began after the couple’s engagement was announced. It seems more likely that they met through her father’s work as a military advisor to Britain’s training mission in Jordan.

1961年5月25日、フセイン国王は2番目の妻であるアントワネット "トニ "ガーディナーと結婚。英国陸軍将校の娘であるトニは、幼少期からさまざまな国を転々としていました。国王との婚約当時の報道によると、トニは1960年1月に両親とアンマンに渡っています。トニがフセイン国王と出会ったのは、大部分がヨルダンで撮影された映画『アラビアのロレンス』の制作アシスタントをしていたときだとする報道もありますが、その撮影は2人の婚約が発表された後に始まったのです。彼女の父親がヨルダンの英国訓練団の軍事顧問を務めていたことが、二人の出会いのきっかけになったようです。

Toni took on a new name, Muna Al-Hussein, when she converted to Islam ahead of the couple’s wedding. Muna wore a white dress with flowers in her hair rather than a tiara for their wedding ceremony, which took place at Zahran Palace, the home of King Hussein’s mother, Queen Zein, on May 25, 1961. King Hussein was 25, and his new wife was 21. Initially, it was decided that Muna would not have a title, but on the day that their first child, Abdullah, was born in January 1962, she was upgraded to the title of Princess Muna. (That baby is now King Abdullah II of Jordan.) Hussein and Muna had three more children, Prince Faisal and twins Princess Aisha and Princess Zein. The couple divorced in December 1972. Princess Muna has continued to live and work in Jordan in the decades since, focusing on nursing initiatives and supporting her son since his accession in 1999.








Three days after his divorce from Princess Muna, 37-year-old King Hussein married for a third time. He wed 23-year-old Alia Toukan, a Royal Jordanian Airlines public relations representative who was also the daughter of a Jordanian diplomat. The wedding, which was held at her father’s house, was held on December 24, 1972. The ceremony was strictly private, but a few photographs were released, showing Alia wearing white with flowers in her hair. She became Queen Alia of Jordan after the wedding ceremony.

King Hussein and Queen Alia had two children together, Princess Haya and Prince Ali. They also adopted a third child, Abir Muhaisen, whose mother had been killed when a plane crashed into a refugee camp near Amman’s airport. Sadly, Queen Alia would meet a similar fate. She died in a helicopter crash in Amman on February 9, 1977.






Several months after Queen Alia’s death, in the winter of 1977-78, King Hussein began a romance with the American-born Lisa Halaby, the daughter of one of his friends. Like Queen Alia before her, Lisa, an architect, worked for Royal Jordanian Airlines. King Hussein, 42, and Lisa, 26, announced their engagement in May 1978. Lisa converted to Islam and took on the new name “Noor Al-Hussein” before their wedding, which took place in Amman on June 15, 1978. 

For the wedding, which took place at Zahran Palace, home of King Hussein’s mother, Queen Zein, Noor wore a white Christian Dior dress with diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet for the ceremony, with flowers in her hair rather than a tiara to secure her veil. A royal proclamation issued after the wedding announced that the bride would have the title of Queen Noor. The marriage lasted for more than two decades, until King Hussein’s death in 1999. The couple had four children: Prince Hamzah, Prince Hashim, Princess Iman, and Princess Raiyah.


フセイン国王の母、ゼイン王妃の家であるザハラ宮殿で行われた結婚式で、ヌールはクリスチャン・ディオールの白いドレスにダイヤモンドのイヤリングとブレスレットをつけ、ベールを固定するティアラではなく、髪に花を飾って式に臨みました。結婚式後に出された王室宣言では、新婦はヌール王妃の称号を持つことになると発表されました。結婚生活は、1999年にフセイン国王が亡くなるまで20年以上続きました。夫妻には4人の子供がいます: ハムザ王子、ハシム王子、イマン王女、ライヤ王女。



現国王アブドゥッラー2世は、生後間もなく王太子に指名されるが、1965年に叔父のハッサンに王位継承権が移る。1966年、4歳のときに英国に留学し教育を受け、1981年サンドハースト英陸軍士官学校卒業。1983年にはオックスフォード大学国際政治学を聴講。1987年 - 1988年にはアメリカジョージタウン大学大学院修士課程(国際関係論)。







So when 31-year-old Abdullah and 22-year-old Rania were married in 1993, he wasn’t expected to inherit the throne. (The fact that his mother was not an Arab was a long-standing public sticking point.) Even so, their wedding was a glittering affair. Abdullah wore a military uniform, and Rania gleamed in a grand white wedding gown with golden embroidery.




2009年アフガニスタンでのチャップマン基地自爆テロ事件によりいとこのSharif Ali bin Zeid大尉が死亡。


異母弟のハムザ王子(生母ヌール王妃)を王太弟としていたが2004年に廃し、その後王太子空位となっていたが、2009年に長男のフセイン王子(1994年生まれ)を王太子としました。 2021年、ハムザ王子を一時的に軟禁。有力部族らとの会談を重ねるとともに、国外の勢力とも通じ「国家の秩序を脅かした」ことが理由であったが、ハムザが国王への忠誠を誓ったことで解放しました。


自分でやってみないと気がすまない性分であり、特に乗り物に対するそれは過剰とも言える。国王自らハンドルを握り外国要人を空港まで迎えに行くのは日常茶飯事である。2006年7月に、小泉首相がヨルダンを訪れた際にも、国王自らが運転する車で宿泊先のホテルまで送られる場面が報道されている。王室政府公用機(ロイヤル・ヨルダン航空所属のA310)を自ら操縦して外交先に出向くことも度々である。エジプトへの外遊ではいつも操縦輪を持つ。 イギリス軍から譲り受けたチャレンジャー1戦車はヨルダン軍では国王の名前にちなんでアル=フセイン命名されており、国王自身はチャレンジャー1戦車が操縦できるだけでなく、イギリス軍仕込みで部隊の指揮までできる。





When King Abdullah II ascended to the throne in 1999, he named his half-brother, Prince Hamzah (the son of King Hussein and Queen Noor) as his heir. The decision was reportedly made to fulfill a wish of the late King Hussein. In August 2003, Crown Prince Hamzah, 24, married a second cousin, 22-year-old Princess Noor bint Asem. Their marriage was publicly celebrated at Zahran Palace in Amman on May 27, 2004, with royals from several other countries present. Princess Noor kept her jewelry simple, letting her glittering wedding gown and veil do most of the sparkling.




ハムザ王子              ハシム王子














There was another royal wedding celebrated in Jordan in 2004 as well: the nuptials of Prince Ali, son of King Hussein and Queen Alia, and the Algerian-born news reporter and producer Rym Brahimi. In this photo, the newly-married Prince Ali and Princess Rym pose for a photograph with all of his sisters. From left to right: Princess Iman and Princess Raiyah, daughters of Queen Noor; Princess Aisha, daughter of Princess Muna; Princess Rym and Prince Ali; Princess Alia, daughter of Princess Dina; Princess Haya, daughter of Queen Alia; and Princess Zein, daughter of Princess Muna (and twin of Princess Aisha). A portrait of Prince Ali’s late mother, Queen Alia, can be seen in the background.

2004年9月、ヨルダンではフセイン国王とアリア王妃の息子であるアリ王子と、アルジェリア出身の報道記者でプロデューサーのリム・ブラヒミの結婚式も行われました。写真は、アリ王子とリム妃が、アリ王子の姉妹全員と記念撮影をしたもの。左から ヌール王妃の娘イマン王女とライヤ王女、ムナ王女の娘双子のアイシャ王女、リム妃とアリ王子、ディナ王女の娘アリア王女、アリア王妃の娘ハヤ王女、ムナ王女の娘ゼイン王女(アイシャ王女と双子)。背景には、アリ王子の亡き母、アリア王妃の肖像画が見えます。


On November 28, 2004, King Abdullah announced that Prince Hamzah was no longer heir to the throne. The role of crown prince automatically reverted to Abdullah’s elder son, Prince Hussein, a decision that Abdullah confirmed with a proclamation five years later. Prince Hamzah and Princess Noor welcomed their only child, Princess Haya, in April 2007. They went their separate ways two years later, and both are now remarried and have children with their second spouses. Prince Hamzah’s story became even more complicated in 2021, when he was placed under house arrest for his alleged involvement in a plot to remove King Abdullah from power.







In July 2020, King Hussein and Queen Noor’s younger daughter, Princess Raiyah, was married in a small ceremony at her mother’s home in England. Raiyah and her husband, Ned Donovan, had originally planned to wed in Jordan, but plans had to change because of the pandemic. Raiyah wore a diamond and sapphire headpiece borrowed from her mother for the occasion.


