

クラスノダール地方 北古墳出土 黄金飾りのグラス


Загадочные древности кубанского кургана Северский

”Mysterious antiquities of the Cuban mound of the North”





Today, few people remember the once famous Northern Mound of the Krasnodar region. Over the years, the memory of this mysterious "warehouse" of archaeological artifacts, silent witnesses of historical events that took place on this earth, sank into oblivion. Among the many items found in the Northern Mound stands out a glass cup for wine - a cast glass in a golden frame. Now this unique vessel has become one of the most beautiful and rare pearls of ancient art stored in the Moscow Historical Museum.

赤い石がはめ込まれた黄金のフレームのガラス容器。北古墳。V.I.シゾフの発掘調査、1881年。国立歴史博物館 (モスクワ)



Kanfar, an antique drinking vessel in the form of a double cup, became the main attribute of the god of wine and winemaking Dionysus. There were canfars in ancient Greece in the 6th century BC, most often the cup had a high leg, although there are canfars on a short leg, but always with two large vertical handles.




In 1881, in Kuban, 13 km northwest of the village of Severskaya, in a large mound, about 15 m high, locals discovered a tomb. The study showed that the Northern Mound consisted of two mounds: the bottom, poured over the burial of the Bronze Age, and the upper, sprinkled much later, the central burial of which consisted of a stone box, folded of limestone slabs. In this burial was the burial of a horse with a frenulum set. In the tomb were human bones and burial equipment.


Outside the tomb, in the mound, were found a golden phaser, two golden plaques with the image of a griffin, an iron ring, covered with sheet gold, a stone cylinder with linear ornament, a gold coin - a stater of the Bosporus ruler Perisada. The burial inventory did not appear to have been collected, in particular, no weapons were found. There is no burial plan, so it is impossible to establish the location of the found things.



In the large mound of the village of Severskaya found two absolutely whole wonderful glass bowls in a golden frame at the top and bottom of the vessels, and fragments from the third glass bowl. All glass bowls are two-handed, in the form resembling ancient Greek canfar, made of cast-honed glass.

最初のボウルの側面、ハンドル、パレットは黄金の薄いシートで飾られています。側面のフレームは、八角形の形でワイヤーで囲まれた三角形のスリット付きの2.5 cm幅のリボンで構成されています。11の半球形の穀物の担当者と10個の楕円形の手榴弾がスロット間で交互に配置されます。プレートの下端は歯の形で刻まれており、その上にはループを伴う滑らかな黄金の先延ばしがあり、セルドリックビーズと黄金の中空ボールの下端に編組チェーンをぶら下げます。ボウルには36本のチェーンがあります。上部のボウルハンドルの黄金のフレームは、半球とスキャンのパターンで飾られています。ゴールデンスキャンレースは、上と下から彼らのベースでボウルのハンドルをカバーしています。下部のパレットの縁は、8つの花びらのソケットの形で浮き彫り様式です。

At the first bowl the side, handles and pallet are decorated with thin sheets of gold. The frame of the side consists of a 2.5 cm wide ribbon with triangular slits, framed by wire in the form of octagons. Eleven semi-spherical grain reps and ten oval grenades are alternately arranged between the slots. The bottom edge of the plate is carved in the form of teeth, above which there is a smooth golden procrastination with loops, to which hanging braided chains with on the bottom end of the serdolic beads and golden hollow balls. There are 36 chains in the bowl. The golden frame of the bowl handles at the top is decorated with hemispheric reps and a pattern of scans. Golden scan laces cover the handles of the bowl at their base from above and below. The rim of the pallet at the bottom has a relief pattern in the form of eight petal sockets.



The frame of the second bowl is just as elegant, but differs only in some details. At the ends of the gold chains descending below the bottom of the vessel, globous hearted beads, decorated from above and below with gold caps, are attached. The handle frame is covered with gold laces from the scan. To the lace under the top pads are attached loops, to which the chains with heart and gold beads are suspended - two chains at each handle. The golden frame of the pallet is decorated with a relief five petal socket.